Frequently Asked Questions

What is the scientific basis for the Brain Jogging program?

The underpinning of the Brain Jogging program’s success is the creation of new neurons, which is called neurogenesis. The Brain Jogging program is a tool designed to enhance neurogenesis in the brain and encourage the integration of newborn neurons into the existing neural circuitry.

The Brain Jogging program provides an enriched environment and necessary stimulus activity for raising the learning potential for memory by increasing the number of neurons in the hippocampus. Students overcome sensory overload when they have additional neurons to handle the load.

There is a rapidly expanding body of research about understanding brain function. Notably, Fred “Rusty” Gage, neuroscientist and Nobel Laureate, has made significant contributions to the understanding of neurogenesis – the production of new neurons in the brain. His research has focused on the role of neurogenesis in learning, memory, and brain repair.

Who uses the Brain Jogging program?

The Brain Jogging program is for people of all ages who want to improve their cognitive potential. Our youngest person utilizing the program is four, and our oldest is 94.

Four-year-old children prepare for kindergarten by creating a “reading brain,” while the 94-year-old enjoys a sharper mind.

The Brain Jogging program is for those who want to perform at their best today and better tomorrow!

Begin your day with the Brain Jogging program! In just 7 to 10 minutes, you can know how “on” or “off” your “A game” you are. Your score in the Brain Jogging program quantifies it for you! If you want to improve your score, do another Brain Jogging program exercise. The magic is in the doing! You are encouraging new brain cell growth as you utilize the Brain Jogging program daily! The more you utilize the Brain Jogging program, the more you increase your brain potential.

Those who use the Brain Jogging program include:

  • Parents wanting to give their children a boost from preschool to college-age students sign them up for the Brain Jogging program.
  • Adults of all ages seeking to be lifelong learners.
  • Adults wanting to change careers, learn new skills and build new information easily.
  • Adults who want to remember old friends’ or acquaintances’ names from years ago.
  • Adults with the onset of memory concerns
  • Entertainers including actors, dancers, and choir members who want to learn new or remember old lines, songs, and routines.
  • Athletes use the Brain Jogging program including basketball, football, and baseball players who want to learn new plays, rapidly assess the current play and their next step, and see the ball before others.
  • Students who want to boost their entrance exam scores for private schools or other required assessments. The outcomes of students in all age groups utilizing Brain Jogging are higher scores on benchmark and entrance assessments including the SSAT, S.A.T., A.C.T., LSAT, and MCAT.
  • Students diagnosed with a learning disability, including Dyslexia, language processing, speech issues, reading comprehension, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and more.
How does the Brain Jogging program help me read faster?

The Brain Jogging program enhances neurogenesis (creation of new neurons)! Neurogenesis is a potential revolutionary therapy for overcoming learning disabilities. Additional neurons in areas of need appear to repair, stabilize moods, and improve performance. It is the fine differences and distinctions, such as b/d, j/i, p/q, etc., that require more neurons for accuracy. One parent told us through tears that his daughter Lily said “Dad, the letters just don’t look so crazy anymore.”

No teacher or any teaching of phonics can overcome a student’s need for cognitive interventions, such as with Lily, featured in one of our video testimonials, needed. As long as she is seeing the letters “all crazy,” she cannot learn the sound-symbol association if the visual representation of the letters is not the same. The Brain Jogging program amplifies new neuron growth and connectivity. As new neurons are formed and specific exercises are implemented, it is theorized that these new neurons migrate to the areas of need to form a more efficient “reading brain.” Therefore, the student increases their learning POTENTIAL by implementing Brain Jogging daily.

How does the Brain Jogging program work?

The Brain Jogging program is an online program customized to the user. Each morning and afternoon, the individual is directed to spend 7 -10 minutes sitting at their computer to perform specific tasks in a multi-sensory manner involving visual flash stimuli, working memory, processing speed, visual and auditory perception and discrimination, and motor-based learning therapy.

How is the Brain Jogging program tailored individually to each person?

The Brain Jogging program is an individual-centered program that is entirely specific to individual. Teacher checklists, report cards, parent interviews, previous testing, and cognitive, academic and language assessments help determine the student’s needs. This information, combined with grade level and individual circumstances, determines whether any additional testing would be beneficial. The program is customized based on the data collected.

How long will it take for recognizable changes in the brain to be seen in outward appearances?

Some parents and teachers have reported immediate changes, while others have observed changes after just weeks on the program. By following the individual’s weekly progress within the Brain Jogging program, attention, focus, speed, and accuracy may be quantified. As the individual increases their highest attained levels and accuracy percentages, outward changes are typically brought to our attention. For example, students will improve their spelling test scores, less time is needed to complete homework.

Every individual is on their own timetable. If the Brain Jogging program is utilized at least twice daily (morning and afternoon), over time, positive results will be recognized by the person using the Brain Jogging program and by others. Most often, teachers report significant changes after a month, and some friends and neighbors of adults who began the Brain Jogging program have recognized changes in mood and memory in as little as six weeks.

Many parents and educators realize changes in children within weeks. However, we require a 90-day minimum when signing up for the Brain Jogging program. The Brain Jogging program is designed to build a more efficient brain with enhanced learning potential. The longer a person is on the program, the more significant the changes will be.

The Brain Jogging program will enhance speed and cognitive capacity for learning, memory, and mood. Individuals who struggle with memory or learning due to a learning disability or age-related disorder demonstrate improved results as they are utilizing the Brain Jogging program twice daily consistently.

How long will my child be on the Brain Jogging program?

No two children are alike. It is impossible to predict how long a child will need the Brain Jogging program. Just as it is impossible to determine how much weight over what period one may lose, it is impossible to determine exactly how long a child will need to increase their cognitive capacity for learning, memory, and mood. However, your child will likely increase their learning potential and build new neurons due to utilizing the Brain Jogging program twice daily within weeks. Like an athlete exercise to improve their body’s reaction time and coordination, so does the Brain Jogging program improve the brain’s reaction time, motor coordination, and flexibility of thought processes required for “life” skills.

What is certain, much of the level of improvement is based upon consistently utilizing the program twice daily. Parents who are vigilant about giving the Brain Jogging program a scheduled time twice daily are the most successful. If parents leave the time using the program up to the student, it loses its importance. For the child, playing, vacationing, and having fun with friends will always take precedence over brain training and building. Parents must stay engaged for optimum success with the Brain Jogging program.

Please remember the years your child has spent relying on their present ineffective study habits and behaviors. Your child’s behavior patterns have developed for years; they will not change overnight. However, committing to utilizing the Brain Jogging program twice daily will help your child become successful with improved study habits and behaviors. The Brain Jogging program is the best long-term solution for parents of children with learning struggles.

How does the Brain Jogging program help students with Dyslexia?

Developmental Dyslexia is a neurologically based learning disorder defined as an individual’s difficulty learning to read even though they have an average to above average intelligence, motivation, and exposure to quality reading instruction education necessary for successful reading.

Imaging shows atypical brain activity associated with dyslexia. The brain area V5/MT, normally active during specific motion tasks, does not switch on in dyslexia subjects.

Individuals with dyslexia have been shown on functional MRIs to V5/MT area in the occipital lobe of the brain when compared to a control group (Eden 1998). Within weeks of utilizing the Brain Jogging program, individuals with dyslexia see diminished effects of the disorder.

Children with dyslexia may have difficulty learning to recognize letters of the alphabet when learning to read. They might confuse left from right, flip letters (for example, printing “b” instead of “d” or “p” or “q”) or jumble letters within words. As these students’ progress, they are often plagued by an inability to acquire adequate reading skills or by a tendency to read more slowly than expected. It is not uncommon for a parent or grandparent to have reported similar difficulties.

The Brain Jogging software program is designed to retrain the brain of dyslexic students. Neuroimaging substantiates that there are phonological processing deficits and visual processing deficits among dyslexics (Eden and Zeffiro 1998). The Brain Jogging program is designed to address these deficits. Dyslexia, more so than other learning disabilities, appears to be the most rapidly improved by the Brain Jogging program. Those with Dyslexia using the program also tend to have the greatest long-term potential when compared with individuals with other learning disabilities utilizing the program.

Sources: and Neural Systems Affected in Developmental Dyslexia Revealed by Functional Neuroimaging.

How does the Brain Jogging program help students with Language Processing Disorder (L.P.D.)?

Oftentimes, individuals with L.P.D. report difficulty keeping up with the pace of many speakers. Slowing down the speech rate may be an accommodation worth pursuing. Good news: The Brain Jogging program has been found to increase processing speed, which decreases the difficulty children with characteristics of L.P.D. have in following verbal directions, multi-step directions, or classroom lectures. After beginning the Brain Jogging program, students report an enhanced ability to focus. Teachers and parents often report that students have greater communication and participation. Whereas students with L.P.D. once lost track of oral lines of communication, the Brain Jogging program allows them to no longer miss important lesson components or significant words in conversations.

Students who suffer from L.P.D. often find themselves unable to comprehend verbal and written communication. They may misunderstand sentences with more abstract meanings; they seem to understand in a more concrete, literal sense. Sometimes, these individuals may be described as more “hands-on” in their approach to learning.

My daughter's teacher says she does not follow directions on worksheets, chapter tests, or verbal instructions. Will the Brain Jogging program help my child follow directions?

Following written directions is particularly difficult for children with L.P.D. because directions are to be followed sequentially. In addition, children with L.P.D. do not always grasp the importance of specific direction words within the greater context of a series of directions. Therefore, a student with L.P.D. may misinterpret the directions’ meaning or do only part of an assignment without realizing that he or she has entirely neglected another part of the assignment. Reading and writing are often difficult for students with L.P.D. because they attach significance to words rather than phrases or complete sentences. This causes students with L.P.D. to struggle with interpreting and conveying thoughts through a print medium.

The Brain Jogging program is designed to enable students to close the delayed processing speed gaps and understand “direction” words. Research presented by the University of Arizona at the 2009 Learning Disability Association Conference confirmed delayed processing speed to be a commonality among students with reading difficulties (Urso 2008). By enhancing these students’ cognitive processing speeds, students with L.P.D. overcome many of the everyday difficulties in academic arenas. With continued use of the Brain Jogging program, they can follow speech and respond appropriately. In addition, they are pleased to become more proficient in their ability to follow written directions.

How does the Brain Jogging program help students with ADD/ADHD?

Students with ADD/ADHD suffer from an inability to attend to one thing at a time, especially for a prolonged period of time. The Brain Jogging program increases attention levels by forcing students to narrow their focus and attend to the letters appearing on their computer screens. In order to replicate the letter sequences during the letter flash exercises, students must focus their attention and respond to the flash stimulus. They receive positive reinforcement in the form of moving on to the next level when they correctly replicate the letter sequence.

Our team also provides students with ADD/ADHD with strategies for time management and prioritizing tasks. Students learn how to break large tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks. Over time, we build students’ planning abilities in addition to their cognitive processing speeds.

How does the Brain Jogging program affect Autism Spectrum Disorder (A.S.D.)?

“Autism has been our greatest challenge and produced the most amazing success stories. We’ve yet to have a child who has not improved significantly within weeks. The saddest aspect of treating autistic children is the number of treatments parents have already tried. By the time they arrive at our door and hear our success rates, they do not believe it could possibly be true. Then, when they see the results for themselves, they are upset that they did not know about us sooner.”
– Shirley Pennebaker, M.Ed.

Children with A.S.D. have some brain responses that are too small or that are completely missing. With new tools, such as Independent Component Analysis software, researchers have begun to realize why this occurs. Researchers have come to believe that in people with A.S.D., there is no coherence or reorganization among the neurons that permit individuals to focus.
The Brain Jogging program has had unprecedented success with children on the Autistic spectrum. Among our many success stories are those of nonverbal children becoming verbal; children obsessed with repetitive behaviors breaking out of their behavioral ruts; children that formerly exhibited anti-social behaviors displaying interest in siblings’ play activities and sustained relationships; and children increasing their learning potential in regular academic environments without the need for specialized personnel.

Please do keep in mind that video games will hinder progress, particularly for children on the spectrum. While these children may discontinue repetitive behaviors known as stimming as a result of consistent use of the Brain Jogging program, if they are exposed to digitized media, these children often begin stimming immediately.

How does the Brain Jogging program affect processing speed?

The Brain Jogging program affects processing speed by enhancing the speed by which neurons communicate with one another. According to Charles Stevens of the Salk Institute, all our thoughts, desires, and instructions that are sent through the brain make use of a process called synaptic transmission. In this process, one neuron speaks to adjacent nerve cells across circuits in which cells communicate. Frequently used circuits become more proficient and efficient, all the while increasing the speed of transmission.

Is the Brain Jogging program effective with high school and college students?

A successful collegiate academic career hinges on students’ ability to be productive without receiving constant reminders from family and teachers. Even more so in college than in high school, students are responsible for their academic success. College challenges students with heavier workloads, including writing several papers; large quantities of reading materials; and exams with varied formats.

The increased scholastic demand of high school and then college is often staggering for typically developing individuals; a learning disability compounds the stresses of this demand.

Parents and students alike are often anxious about a child, particularly one with a learning disability, leaving the safety net of the home environment and teachers a parent can reliably contact. Students will find that college confronts them with more work and higher expectations related to quality and accountability; students must plan and prepare accordingly. The Brain Jogging program has not only been shown to help students assimilate new information but also enhances their cognitive processing speed. As students’ cognitive processing speeds increase, it becomes easier for them to assimilate and understand new information. The combined impact of constant exposure to academic material increases students’ understanding of said material while simultaneously improving students’ spelling. By enhancing cognitive processing speeds, the Brain Jogging program bolsters students’ ability to survive and thrive in their new academic environment.

In addition to fostering students’ academic success, the Brain Jogging program promotes accountability. Students must complete the Brain Jogging program sessions at least twice a day. Adding the Brain Jogging program sessions to students’ daily schedules encourages them to organize their time and use it wisely. Better grades within weeks encourage students to continue the Brain Jogging program. In turn, continuing the Brain Jogging program enhances cognitive processing speeds, spelling and understanding, and retention of material. The Brain Jogging program also continually reinforces the necessity of time maintenance.

College students need to understand that they are responsible for their own scholastic success. The Brain Jogging program not only contributes to students’ ability to succeed in a demanding collegiate environment but also increases their cognitive capacity to shoulder that responsibility themselves.

Is there anything that may hinder the Brain Jogging program’s effects?

Yes! Sleep deprivation and video games will hinder progress. Everyone needs sleep; no program can overcome sleep deprivation. Additionally, video games will cause regression for most; some children even develop autistic behaviors due to extended screen time. The Brain Jogging program oftentimes enables many children to discontinue repetitive, unusual body movements or noises considered to be stimulatory behaviors. However, if the individuals return to gaming and/or overexposure to YouTube, the stimming behaviors have been known to return. Stimming behaviors almost immediately resurface after re-exposure to digitized media.

How was the Brain Jogging program developed?

Brain Jogging was developed out of a mother’s heart for her child with dyslexia. However, from the very beginning, Brain Jogging proved to be more than a tool for learning to read. Teachers recognized the difference in students’ behavior and their new pathways to accelerated learning at large. Students, once identified as struggling learners in various subjects, are leaders in their professions today! Brain Jogging enhances learning efficiency through neurogenesis (the building of new neurons) and the creation and strengthening of synaptic connections.

What is common feedback from those using the Brain Jogging program?

Upon interviewing former Brain Jogging students from 20+ years ago, Shirley realized they had developed more self-confidence and entered challenging career paths. Her students stood out as learning more efficiently, listening more attentively, and speaking more eloquently. It makes sense because Brain Jogging enhanced their neurogenesis! Those using the Brain Jogging program do not just survive; they thrive!